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Rules of Smash the Alarm Clock
From now on, no more alarm clock !

Smash the alarm clock

Retirement is finally here, and what better way to celebrate than by smashing your alarm clock amidst the enthusiastic applause of people who dream of doing the same !?

Game Description

The game is simple: the person retiring symbolically destroys the alarm clock that oppressed them every morning. They do this while being cheered on by their soon-to-be former colleagues.

Necessary Accessories

- An alarm clock: in a perfect world, we would love to destroy the actual alarm clock of the person retiring. However, they will probably want to keep it ;). So, find an old alarm clock lying around in someone's attic.
- A hammer: a good-sized hammer to make some damage and be impressive.
- A board to serve as a platform to avoid damaging a table.
- Safety glasses: It would be unfortunate to have an accident.
- A box to prevent debris from flying in all directions. Only open the side where the new retiree is positioned.

Safety Reminders

When smashing an alarm clock with a hammer, debris can fly. Using a box can help. Guests should preferably stand behind the new retiree. Protect the table on which the blows will be struck. Most importantly, protect the alarm clock destroyer with safety glasses.
Be careful, if you want to make the alarm clock work, use batteries instead of plugging it into the mains. You can imagine the danger of destroying an electrically plugged device.


To heighten the suspense, you can set the alarm clock to ring at a specific time. As the hour approaches, the audience can do a countdown. The destruction begins once the alarm clock rings. You'll see, it's quite satisfying :).
To prevent any risk, using an old-fashioned mechanical alarm clock can simplify things.

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Click here to view the French version of this game.