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Car trips with children
What, we’re there already?!?

Top 10 game ideas to play in the car with kids

Going on vacation, for a weekend, or simply visiting relatives is very cool, and it’s even better when the trip goes by in the blink of an eye. Car games can make the time fly for kids (and adults too…).

Here you will find some original ideas.


1. I'm going on picnic

Galme "I'm going on trip"

The game “In my suitcase, there is…” is a memory game for all ages where participants add one by one objects into an imaginary suitcase. Each player must repeat all the previously mentioned objects before adding their own. If a player makes a mistake or forgets an object, they are eliminated from the game. This game is excellent for exercising memory and is suitable for various occasions such as birthdays, parties with friends, or car trips.

For more details about the game and examples of how to play, you can find the game sheet on our site here.

A variation of the game: Start the words with a letter of the alphabet beginning with A for the first player, then B for the second, then C, then D, and so on…

2. It starts with...

"It starts with" game

In this game, the leader selects a letter of the alphabet, and the participants must successively propose words starting with that letter. The game continues until a person can no longer find a word, resulting in their elimination. A new letter is then chosen for the remaining players, and the game resumes until there is only one player left. This game stimulates quick thinking and expands the participants’ vocabulary.

3. The rhyming game

Rhyming game

With the rhyming game, the leader chooses a word and the participants must take turns finding other words that rhyme with it. The game continues until a participant can no longer propose a rhyme, at which point they are eliminated. The process resumes with the remaining players until there is only one winner left. This is an excellent way to stimulate creativity and quick thinking during a trip.

4. I spy

Car game I spy

The game “I Spy” is a classic car trip game, perfect for children. One player thinks of a visible object and gives initial clues such as its color or the first letter, while the other players ask yes or no questions to guess what the object is. The one who guesses correctly becomes the next spy. This game stimulates observation and deduction skills while making trips entertaining for children (it’s pretty good for parents too…).

5. Neither yes nor no

Car game Yes or No

The game “Neither Yes Nor No” is a party game where participants must answer questions without using the words “yes” or “no,” as well as any close variants like “yeah” or “nah.” Each player takes turns answering questions posed by a game master. If a player manages to respond within the allotted time without using the forbidden words, they earn a point. The game is played in rounds until each player has had a chance to be the game master.

Learn more by checking out the game sheet.

6. Touch or do not touch

Touch It or Not

The game “Does it touch or does it not touch” is a classic of classics. It’s not a game you’ll play for an hour, but it can have its little effect. The basic idea is not to explain the trick to the children; they have to figure it out on their own. Since we’re nice, we’ll give you the trick. You will say words or phrases and ask if it touches or not. The children must understand that “it touches” means that to pronounce the word or phrase, your lips must touch. To be clear, it will take them a while to understand, so it’s up to you to motivate them to keep searching for as long as possible. One advantage is that even when they don’t understand, they have a 50/50 chance of guessing correctly. When a child figures it out, it’s better if they don’t explain it to the others, at least not right away. Don’t hesitate to make absurd sentences; kids love that.

Examples ? Here we go:

  • Tables touch, but chairs do not.
  • Bottles touch, but cans do not.
  • Cameras touch, but photographs do not.
  • The kiwi says yes do not touch.
  • It sticks do not touch.
  • Grandpa tinkers touch.
  • The dog goes crazy do not touch.
  • Kirikiki does karakaka do not touch.
  • he smells like coconuts touch.
  • The cheeks of the cuckoo are gray do not touch.
  • Whoa, he has my nose in his ear touch.
  • Dad loves candy do not touch.
  • Mom, winks touch.
  • Look, the car’s running do not touch.

7. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Shifumi rules

Here we present not only a game but also a very good tool for settling disputes among children. Can’t they agree on something? Rock, Paper, Scissors (Shifumi) can be a quick tool to decide rather than letting a conflict escalate.

Shifumi, also widely known as “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” is a well-known game where two opponents choose a symbol to form with their hand according to their instinct.

The principle is simple and requires no equipment or special accessories, making it a practical choice for a quick game. Each player must simultaneously form one of three objects (rock, paper, or scissors) with their hand. The rock is represented by a closed fist; scissors by a fist with the index and middle fingers extended, forming a V; and paper by a flat hand.

The rules of Shifumi are simple: rock beats scissors (by blunting them), scissors beat paper (by cutting it), and paper beats rock (by wrapping it). If both players choose the same object, the game ends in a tie and starts again to break the tie. This game is often used to quickly and fairly decide who will have an advantage, such as who will start a game or to make a decision in the absence of an agreement. Shifumi does not require any particular skills, being entirely based on chance, making it accessible and fair for players of all ages.

8. The word trail

Play with the words

If you want to have fun with words during your trip, discover “The word trail,” a creative game that will test your ability to juggle with words! Players create a chain of compound words by using the last word of the previous term to form a new one. For example, if someone says “spokesperson,” the next player could say “spoken word,” then “word of mouth,” then “mouthwash,” and so on. It’s a great way to stimulate your imagination while having fun!

9. The musical quiz

Musical quiz game
In the car, you have everything you need for a musical quiz, as long as you can connect a phone or tablet to the sound system. Once that’s done, it opens up great possibilities.

In our case, we can play songs, and the first person to guess the name of the corresponding cartoon wins. Here are some links to play:

10. Find the intruder

Spot the odd one out game

Ready for a quick-witted game on the road? Try “Find the Intruder”! One passenger gives a series of five words, with one being the odd one out. It’s up to you to spot the intruder before the others! The one who finds the intruder scores a point and takes the turn to propose the next series. For example, imagine a list containing four fruits and one vegetable, or four names containing the letter A and one that doesn’t (Oriane, Béatrice, Rodolphe, Jaine, Raphael). Fun and laughter are guaranteed for all budding detectives!