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Two Truths and a Lie
It's not nice to lie...

Lie hunt

One person is honored, 3 stories, one lie. Will the liar be exposed by the guests? Let the hunt begin!

Game description

This format is perfect for an evening where a person or couple is being honored. You can also have multiple rounds where the person at the center of the intrigue changes, without any particular issues.

Three guests take turns to tell a short story about the person at the center of the game (or round). The shared story could be about an embarrassing moment, a funny anecdote, or a memorable event. Two of the stories are true, and one of them is a lie.

The other guests at the party must guess who the liar is. This can be done by a show of hands. Alternatively, you can ask the guests to form three groups: to the left, the group that thinks John is the liar; to the right, the group that thinks Peter is the liar; and in the center, “those who see Stephen as a big fibber.”

If the liar manages to fool the other guests, they can receive a prize. Of course, we’re talking about a symbolic prize. If not, a big round of applause from the guests and all their admiration is already quite good.

You can prepare this game in advance with the three guests so that they can prepare their stories in the best possible way.

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Click here to view the French version of this game.