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killer game
An excellent icebreaker

Killer Game: Rules and mission ideas

The Killer, or Assassin, is a role-playing game where each participant has the secret mission to eliminate another player through a predefined action, such as saying a specific word or performing a particular gesture. The game continues until only one player remains, who is then declared the winner.

Game overview

**The Killer Game, or Assassin Game**, can be organized **for your festive evenings** to break the ice (in other words, it’s **a great icebreaker**). The advantage of this game is that it doesn’t interrupt the flow of your evening, and you can play it with a large group. Keep in mind that the rules can vary depending on the group’s preferences, so a brief reminder will be useful to ensure everyone follows the same rules.
  1. Preparing the Victims: Prepare small pieces of paper with each person’s name. Ensure that no two people have to kill each other reciprocally. Players now know their target.
  2. Preparing the Missions: Prepare as many mission slips as there are participants. The mission clarifies the method a player will use to kill another. It’s important that the missions or challenges are age-appropriate for the participants. For a mission to be valid, the targeted person must perform the action willingly. For example, if the person has to jump into the pool, no one can push them in to validate the mission.
  3. Gameplay: The objective for each player is to “kill” their target while avoiding being “killed” by their own assassin. “Murders” are typically symbolized by a specific predetermined action. For instance, it could be touching the person’s shoulder with a specific object, saying a certain word or phrase during a conversation, or getting the person to perform a particular action (like opening a door).
  4. Safety: Certain areas can be designated as “safe zones” where no murders can occur. These zones can include bathrooms, bedrooms, or any other place the group decides.
  5. Witness: In some versions of the game (to be avoided for first-time players), an assassination cannot occur if there is a witness. A witness is defined as anyone who is not the target and who can see the assassin at the time of the murder. It’s up to you to decide if you want to use this option.
  6. Confirmation of the Assassination: When a player believes they have been killed, they must ask for confirmation from their presumed assassin. If the assassin confirms, the “killed” player must reveal who their target was, and that person becomes the new target of the assassin.
  7. End of the Game: The game ends when only one player remains, who is then declared the winner.
  8. Fair Play: The game must be played with respect and safety for all participants, which is a priority.
Make sure everyone understands and agrees to the rules before starting the game.
killer game

Here are 50 example missions for the Killer Game

  • Get the first names of both of their parents.
  • Play rock-paper-scissors with them.
  • Get them to draw a sketch or a diagram.
  • Make them jump into the pool fully clothed.
  • Make them replace an object you’ve moved twice.
  • Have them finish two of your sentences.
  • Get them to reveal their mission to you.
  • Place an object in their pocket without them noticing.
  • Make them speak in another language.
  • Successfully insert a specific phrase into a conversation with them.
  • Find an excuse to give them a kiss on the cheek.
  • Have them show you their socks.
  • Get them to lend you their watch.
  • Make them give you a phone number.
  • Make them help you with your (fake) mission.
  • Serve them a drink but give them the wrong one.
  • Get the first names of their parents.
  • Make them cross their arms by mimicking you or through persuasion.
  • Make them say three different colors.
  • Make them insult you (gently).
  • Swap mission slips with them without them noticing.
  • Get them to take a photo of you with their phone and send it to you via SMS.
  • Drink from their glass.
  • Make them leave the party location to check something for no reason.
  • Get them to compliment you.
  • Obtain their phone number.
  • The victim must drink an improbable mixture of 2 drinks, examples: Coke-Orangina or whiskey-vodka or rum-coffee;
  • You dance a slow dance;
  • You take a selfie together;
  • Your victim imitates an animal;
  • You have the honor of seeing their driver’s license photo (if not, their ID card);
  • The victim agrees to be mummified in toilet paper;
  • Make your target believe they have something on their face to the point they go look in a mirror themselves;
  • Make your target repeat three times in a row;
  • Sneeze twice and get a “bless you” or “gesundheit” twice;
  • Get a tissue or a paper napkin;
  • Make your victim toast with you;
  • Make your victim toast with the host of the party;
  • Your target must open a beer for you, if not, they must pour you a glass from an unopened bottle;
  • Take a selfie with your target while making a face (both of you);
  • Make your target say the name of their birth town;
  • Tell a joke to your target, they must laugh;
  • Your “prey” is about to serve themselves food, you take what they were going to serve themselves, leaving them empty-handed;
  • Your target agrees to swap their mission with yours;
  • Make your target say the name of a specific series or movie;
  • Embarrass your target in front of witnesses when they come out of the bathroom;
  • Hang something on your victim’s back without them noticing for 5 minutes;
  • Find out what your target ate the night before;
  • Make your target stick their finger in their ear;
  • Provoke your target to get annoyed with you.

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Click here to view the French version of this game.