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Tribute to the newlyweds
A few words for the newlyweds

Find an idea for a beautiful wedding message

When it comes to celebrating the marriage of a friend or family member, it is common to want to express congratulations and best wishes for the newlyweds. This is why many people choose to write a text for the newlyweds, to give them a lasting memory of this special day, their wedding.


Writing a text, how to go about it?

Writing a text for the newlyweds can be a challenging task, especially if you are not used to writing. Here are some tips to help you create a beautiful and memorable text for the newlyweds.

1. Start with an appropriate greeting

Before you start writing your text, make sure to use an appropriate greeting. If you know the newlyweds well, you can use their first names or nicknames to personalize your message. Otherwise, a generic greeting like “Dear newlyweds” or “Dear friends” can be used.

2. Express your joy for the newlyweds

In your text, express your joy for the newlyweds by wishing them a happy and lasting marriage. Use sincere and warm words to show how happy you are to be a part of their special day.

3. Share anecdotes or memories

To make your text more personal, you can share anecdotes or memories you have with the newlyweds. For example, you can talk about the first time you met them, funny moments you shared together, or important moments in their relationship.

4. Offer advice or encouragement

If you are married or have been married, you can offer advice or encouragement to the newlyweds. You can give them tips for a happy married life or remind them of the importance of communication and patience in a relationship.

5. Conclude with sincere wishes


End your text by offering sincere wishes to the newlyweds for their marriage and future together. Use warm words to wish them a life filled with love, happiness, and success.

In the end, the most important thing for writing a beautiful wedding text is to be sincere and share your love and joy for them. You now have the recipe to create a beautiful and memorable text that will touch the newlyweds and remain a precious memory of their special day.

Now, we offer you examples of texts

Examples remain examples; the texts that follow may not suit your particular case. The goal is to provide you with some references to help you get started.

For the parents

  1. “Children, today is a day filled with happiness and emotion. We are proud to see the path you have taken together to this day, and we feel fortunate to have the honor of witnessing your union. We hope your love continues to grow and flourish, that you face challenges together with patience and understanding, and that your marriage is filled with happiness and success. We are confident that you will be a source of inspiration for other couples, and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for you. Congratulations and all our best wishes for happiness!”
  2. “Dear children, we are moved to see you getting married today. You are two wonderful people who complement each other perfectly and have found love in each other. We have seen your relationship grow and flourish over the years, and we are proud of how you have become loving and responsible adults. We are confident that you will continue to support each other in all of life’s moments and that you will live a life filled with joy and happiness. We love you both with all our hearts and wish you a wonderful life together.”
  3. “Eloise, Benjamin, today you commit to each other for life. This is a solemn and meaningful moment for us as parents. We have seen your love grow since the day you met, and we are proud of the relationship you have built together. We are certain that your love and friendship will continue to grow, even in difficult times. We wish you a life of happiness and prosperity together, filled with joy, love, and peace. Congratulations and best wishes for your marriage.”

For the brothers and sisters

Here are some examples of texts that a brother or sister of one of the newlyweds might say at a wedding:
  1. Speech from a brother for the bride: “My dear sister, today is a very special day for you and for all of us. I am proud to see you here, radiant in your wedding dress, ready to start a new life with your husband. You have always been my confidante, my best friend, and a loving sister. I remember the moments we shared together, the laughs we had, and the challenges we faced. I am sure you will be a wonderful wife to your husband, and I welcome him to our family. Congratulations to both of you!”
  2. Speech from a sister for the groom: “Little brother, I am so happy to see you here today, ready to marry the woman of your dreams. I have seen how you have grown and evolved over the years, and I am proud to see you becoming an incredible and caring man. I am sure you are ready to face all the challenges that life will bring to you and your wife. I want to thank you for all the memories we shared together and for always being there for me. I look forward to seeing you both live a happy and love-filled life. Congratulations, I love you both!”
  3. Speech from a brother for both newlyweds: “Hello everyone, I am the bride’s brother, and I’m here to say a few words. [Look at the bride] My sister is an amazing woman – beautiful, intelligent, and now, she is a wife too. [Look at the groom] And you, man, I have a simple rule for you: if you want to be happy in this relationship, it’s best to say ‘yes, dear’ as often as possible. [Pause for laughter] More seriously, I am proud of both of you and wish you all the happiness in the world. I am here for both of you, no matter what happens. Congratulations to both of you!”

For friends

Here are some examples of speeches that a friend of the newlyweds might say at a wedding:
  1. Speech from a friend for the bride: “My dear Léa, today is a very special day for you and for all of us. I am proud to see how much you have grown as a woman, and I am happy to see you today, radiant in your wedding dress. You are an incredibly loving, caring, and generous person, and I am sure you will be a wonderful wife to your husband. I also want to thank you for allowing me to share this moment with you. I wish you and your husband all the happiness you deserve. Congratulations!”
  2. Speech from a friend for the groom: “My dear Léo, I am so happy to see how happy you are today. You have found an amazing woman who supports you, inspires you, and makes you laugh. I am proud to see how much you have grown as a man, and I am convinced that you will be a loving, protective, and devoted husband to your wife. I also want to thank you for allowing me to share this day with you, with both of you. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you. Congratulations!”
  3. Speech from a friend for both newlyweds: “Dear friends, today is a very special day because we are celebrating your love and your union. You are both incredible, generous, and loving people, and I am convinced that you are made for each other. You have found the love of your life, and you are ready to start a new chapter together. [Pause] However, [Pause] the many guests and witnesses of your union have asked me to keep an eye on your relationship for a while to make sure everything goes well. So, you will be obliged to invite us to many, many dinners.[Pause for laughter] I wish you all the happiness in the world. Thank you in advance for allowing me to be a privileged spectator of your love.”