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Wordplay Fun!

The scattergories game

Scattergories is a game where players race against the clock to come up with unique words for various categories, all starting with the same initial letter determined by a roll of the die. Points are awarded for original answers, and the goal is to outthink opponents with creative and uncommon words.

Game description

Scattergories is played over several rounds. Each round earns points for all players, and the scores are then accumulated across the rounds.


- A sheet of paper or a notebook and a pen for each player.
- A stopwatch
- A random letter generator, which we provide here if you wish. Otherwise, a Scrabble game can help draw a random letter.

Random letter generator


Countdown clock


End of the game

You can either set a predetermined number of rounds or continue playing as long as everyone is having fun. When you feel like wrapping up, play 2 more rounds to give the most enthusiastic players a chance to prepare for the end of the game. Finally, sum up the scores and together determine the ranking of the best players.

Flow of the game

  1. Before starting, agree on the categories for which words will need to be found. Ideally, define about a dozen categories. Examples: A celebrity, a city, a country, a sport, a first name, a food item, a drink, an adjective, an animal, a plant/flower, a color, a superhero. Depending on your group, you can use very specific categories: a Pokémon, a video game, a series, a manga, etc.
  2. Each player then receives a sheet of paper (A4) and a pencil. On the first line, they write the number of columns needed for the different rounds. The first column will remind the letter of the round, and then all categories are listed (one category per column). Include a final column for the round score.
  3. For each round, a letter is generated randomly, and a 1-minute timer is set for about a dozen categories. Adjust the time proportionally to the number of categories chosen. 
  4. When the round timer ends, everyone raises their hands.
  5. Now, it’s time to count the points for the round. Category by category, players share their words. All players react to the proposals. If a word is disputed, quickly vote by an absolute majority. When a player is the only one to have proposed a word, they get 2 points; if 2 players found the word, they each get 1 point. If more than 2 players found the same word, they get no points.
You now have all the tools to play Scattergories anywhere you go !

See how to play using the platform StopotS


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Click here to view the French version of this game.