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At night, the wolves attack.
The day breaks, the village awakens...

The werewolves of Millers Hollow

The Werewolf game will challenge you to uncover the bloodthirsty killers among the villagers of Thiercelieux. Find them quickly before they kill all the villagers. Get ready for lies, inquisitive looks, and the bitterest revenge. In other words, you’re going to have a lot of fun!

Game description

The Werewolf game is well-known for its undeniable success. A narrator informs the players of suspicious deaths occurring in the village. Indeed, villagers are found dead at dawn, their bodies mutilated and covered in bite marks. All signs point to werewolves !

The villagers must find the werewolves, keeping a keen eye, analyzing the situation, debating, and eliminating the werewolves one by one.

The game follows day-night cycles where werewolves kill at night, and during the day, villagers, infiltrated by werewolves, seek out and kill the monsters. Villagers must analyze, question, and suspect their neighbors to find the werewolves. Will they manage to avoid killing real villagers ?

Necessary accessories

- Either a Werewolf card game
- Or sticky notes

End of the game

The game ends when all the werewolves are dead or all the villagers are dead.

Werewolf game setup

In this guide, we explain the rules without using an official game box. We will use simple sticky notes.

  1. Determine how many people will be playing.
  2. Appoint a game master (also known as GM).
  3. Clarify the number of werewolves : Use 2 werewolves for 8 villagers, 3 for 12, 4 for 16, etc.
  4. Decide whether to include special cards (details provided later). Note that if some players have never played before, introducing special cards can make the game much more complicated for them. The success of this game primarily comes from the combination of Werewolves and Villagers, not the special characters (at least, that’s our opinion). If you really want to introduce special cards, do so after at least 1 or 2 rounds. The use of special characters should always be done in moderation, as they are not the core of the game.
  5. Explain or remind players of the roles of the different cards that will be used
  6. Write “W” (for Werewolf) or “V” (for Villager) on the Post-its to symbolize the roles. The Post-its will serve as the cards.

Game progression

Distribute the Cards: Hand out all the prepared cards to the players. Each player discreetly looks at their card and keeps it to themselves.

  1. Night Phase: The game master (GM) begins: “The sun sets, the village falls asleep.” All villagers close their eyes. The GM continues: “The werewolves wake up.” The werewolves open their eyes, look at each other, and note who their teammates are. The GM asks the werewolves to point to the villager they want to kill. The werewolves then close their eyes and go back to sleep.

  2. Morning Phase: The GM says: “The villagers wake up.” The difficult news is shared: a villager has died during the night. The eliminated player is announced, and their card is revealed. From this point on, they no longer participate in the debates (normally, at least).

  3. Discussion Phase: The villagers now discuss their suspicions about the identity of the werewolves. This discussion time can be limited or unlimited. This phase of the game is often the most enjoyable for the players.

  4. Voting Phase: The GM organizes a vote to decide which person to eliminate. If there is a tie for elimination, a second round of voting is held for those individuals only.

  5. Repeat: The cycle repeats from step 1 with “The sun sets…” until one side wins.

Special characters in the Werewolf game

The thief

After distributing the cards during game setup, the game master (GM) places 2 extra cards on the table. The first time the village falls asleep, the GM asks the thief to wake up and discreetly shows them the 2 extra cards. The thief can decide to replace their card with one of these 2 cards.


The first time the village falls asleep, after the thief, the GM asks Cupid to wake up and choose a pair of lovers. Cupid then closes their eyes. The GM goes around the players and touches the shoulders of the chosen lovers. Once done, the GM asks the lovers to open their eyes and identify each other. From now on, if one lover dies, the other dies too. Regardless of whether they are werewolves, villagers, or other roles, they now form an inseparable team that must survive together. A lover can never harm their partner, even in jest.

The seer

Each night, the seer is called to wake up (after the thief, Cupid, and the lovers in the first round). The seer points to a player, and the GM reveals that player’s card. It is then up to the seer to influence the votes during the day based on the information revealed at night.

The little girl

The little girl spies on the werewolves while they confer about their choice of victim. She must observe discreetly, as being discovered by the werewolves will result in her immediate and silent death, canceling the werewolves’ chosen victim. She cannot pretend to be a werewolf. At dawn, she can discreetly influence the villagers in their choices, as she belongs to the villagers’ team.

witch werewolf

The witch

The witch has 2 magic potions: one for healing and one for poisoning. The game master (GM) wakes the witch after the werewolves’ phase if she still has potions left. If the healing potion hasn’t been used, she is shown the player killed by the werewolves: thumbs up to save the player, thumbs down to do nothing. If the poisoning potion hasn’t been used, the GM asks if she wants to use it. The witch closes her eyes to say no, or she points to someone to say yes and choose the player who will die.

The hunter


When the village wakes up, if the player killed is a hunter, they can choose a player to take down with them in one final act.

The captain

A special card represents the captain. This card is held in addition to the player’s regular card. The captain’s role evolves throughout the game. The players must unanimously elect the captain at the beginning of the game. During village council votes, the captain’s vote counts as two in deciding which player to eliminate. If the captain dies, they pass their card to a player of their choice.


Video - How to play


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