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Hide and seek hood
Catch them all!

Hoodie hide and seek

An exhilarating game of blindfolded hide and seek where players wear a hoodie backward to cover their eyes.

Game description

This game is quite similar to “Blind Man’s Bluff,” except that all participants are blindfolded, making the difficulty level more balanced for everyone. 

Additional rules are suggested so that you can vary the gameplay !

How to play ?

  1. Choose a referee: The referee will settle any disputes and can return a player to the game if they get lost in a bush. They also ensure that players stay within the play area and remain safe. The role of the referee can rotate.
  2. Decide who will be the first hunter.
  3. Define a playing area. Outdoors is better, but it is always possible indoors if players are very careful not to break anything.
  4. If defining the area is difficult, appoint a referee to monitor rule compliance.
  5. All participants enter the playing area.
  6. Participants blindfold themselves with a hoodie worn backward, or more simply with a scarf, bandana, or a face mask (COVID-19).
  7. Determine a hunter phrase: for example, the hunter says “HIDE AND SEEK…” and other participants must respond with “HOODIE!!”
  8. At the start signal, everyone spins around twice.
  9. The hunter must catch all the participants (not just touch them).

Possible additional rules

  • The hunter must identify the participant at first guess. If wrong, the participant is released.
  • You can appoint multiple hunters and switch to a team-building mode.
  • You can add a time limit and count the number of people caught to create a ranking.
  • The hunter can use a special power twice. Example: spin around three times or imitate a chicken for five seconds.
  • You can implement a rule where a player caught for the first time can rejoin the game (last chance), but they can only move by hopping with feet together and hands behind their back.
hide and seek hood

A euphoric game of blind hide and seek where players wear a hoodie backwards.

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Click here to view the French version of this game.