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eggs challenge
A game that crushes it

Egg challenge

A game where 2 teams show incredible bravery by risking having an egg cracked on their heads. In an egg challenge, all the eggs are hard-boiled… except for a few… which are raw. How many? That’s up to the organizer to decide !

The “egg-roulette” game might get a bit messy, but it’s so much fun! 🙂

Game description

The Egg Challenge Game is a game where two teams take turns answering questions. When a team fails to answer within a reasonable time, they face a penalty.

Necessary accessories

- Around 18 eggs.
- Optionally, garbage bags to protect your clothes (cut holes for the head and arms).

End of the game

The game ends when all the eggs have been smashed or you have run out of questions. The winning team is the one that answered the most questions correctly.

Procedure for the egg challenge

  1. Hard-boil 3 out of 4 eggs. Once done, mix the raw eggs with the hard-boiled ones and place them back in the egg box.
  2. Prepare a series of questions on a topic of your choice or a more general theme. The questions should be challenging enough so that the teams often don’t know the answer, but still somewhat accessible. If you have a trivia game with thematic or general knowledge questions, you can use that.
  3. One member from each team is chosen, and the two players face off in rock-paper-scissors. The losing team will answer the first question.
  4. Teams take turns answering questions. Allow a set time for responses, such as 10 seconds if there are only two players, or 20 seconds to allow teammates to confer.
  5. When a team gets a question wrong, one of its members risks having an egg cracked on their head by someone from the opposing team.
  6. The game ends when all the questions have been asked OR when there are no more eggs to crack.

Illustration of the egg challenge game


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Click here to view the French version of this game.