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The balloon stomp
Solo or team battles?

Balloon stomp

Each participant has 3 to 5 balloons tied to their ankle, and the goal is to pop the balloons of your opponents. Do you play this game in teams or every person for themselves?

Game description

This game is quite sporty. Multiple teams face off in a ruthless showdown. You form teams of 1 to 2 people. Each participant has 3 to 5 balloons tied to their ankle (you choose the number of balloons).

One goal: pop the balloons.

Obligations: no aggression, respect your opponent, this is not a fight…

Necessary accessories

- 3 to 5 balloons per player
- Ribbons to tie the balloons to the participants' ankles

End of the game

The game ends when there is only one team left with balloons. The game can be played in multiple rounds.

Illustration of this game

  1. In this game, players will compete to stomp on their opponents’ balloons.
  2. A referee ensures there is no aggression. Good spirits must prevail. The referee can use a yellow card and a red card. A red card means the referee pops a balloon of the offending player.
  3. A timer can be set to ensure the duration of each rounds (e.g., 3 minutes).
  4. This game can be organized as a tournament, and players can play in pairs.
Balloon smash demonstration

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Click here to view the French version of this game.