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Team game
A good game for a great evening with friends.

Activities to do with friends

Are you running out of ideas for activities to do with your friends? Don’t worry, we have the solution for you. Whether it’s activities to do at home, outdoors, or even remotely, we’ve got you covered !

In teams

Looking for competitive activities that require teamwork? Opt for team games with your friends!

Whether it’s for a casual evening, a festive celebration, or just a hangout with friends, team games ensure a healthy dose of friendly competition.

Check out our selection of team games to play with friends and get ready for some fun moments!

Lingo game

A game derived from the TV show Lingo. A whiteboard or a slate, 3 markers of different colors, 6 attempts to find the right word !

The marshmallow spaghetti challenge

Several teams each build the tallest possible structure within a limited time… using marshmallows and spaghetti. Your ability to work as a team will be crucial.

Guess the scene

One person guesses while the others mime! With your friends, recreate an iconic scene from a movie, series, or cartoon that you’ve agreed upon beforehand and have the person in front guess the scene.

Musical blindtest

Using music playlists, enter competitions via this musical blind test, either solo or in teams. Your musical ear and memory will be put to the test.

Chronophoto: a temporal quiz

Chronophoto is a game that challenges you to find the date of old photos. A collaborative game that always takes place in good spirits.

The balloon popping race

A team race where each member rushes to the designated chair and pops their balloon as quickly as possible. One key skill will be essential: knowing how to stomp effectively.

Stocking head team game

A race game in teams: stocking on the head, a swinging ball, cups to knock over, hurry, hurry, hurry!!

Every man for himself

Ideas for a free-for-all

If you’re looking for competitive activities to do with your friends, free-for-all games are your solution!

These games offer the chance to challenge yourself while enjoying the moment with your friends. So, gather your loved ones, get ready to compete, and celebrate everyone’s talents!

Here are a few games that will ensure you have a great time with your friends !

The crazy eights

The crazy eights game is the first inspiration for Uno. This game is played with 2 to 5 players. The objective? Exhaust your cards while ensuring your opponents have as many as possible.


Scattergories is a game where players race against the clock to come up with unique words for various categories, all starting with the same initial letter determined by a roll of the die.

Guess who? or Who am I?

A game where each person wears a name on their forehead, and their opponents answer their questions with yes or no. One question matters: who am I?

Poker (Texas Hold’em), how to play

A card game for 2 to 10 players where you need to demonstrate strategy and psychology. Of course, you can also play “just for fun,” which doesn’t prevent others from being in serious mode.

Guessing games

Game during a housewarming party

Looking for activities to do with friends? Guessing games are the perfect solution for spending a great time with your loved ones!

There are numerous variations of guessing games to suit all tastes and ages! Whether it’s with family, at a party with friends, or to liven up a monotonous trip, these games will keep you entertained.

Get ready to discover a selection of guessing games that promise you a successful evening!

Lingo game

A game derived from the TV show Lingo. A whiteboard or a slate, 3 markers of different colors, 6 attempts to find the right word !

Guess the scene

One person guesses while the others mime! With your friends, recreate an iconic scene from a movie, series, or cartoon that you’ve agreed upon beforehand and have the person in front guess the scene.

Musical blindtest

Using music playlists, enter competitions via this musical blind test, either solo or in teams. Your musical ear and memory will be put to the test.

Chronophoto: a temporal quiz

Chronophoto is a game that challenges you to find the date of old photos. A collaborative game that always takes place in good spirits.

Guess who? or Who am I?

A game where each person wears a name on their forehead, and their opponents answer their questions with yes or no. One question matters: who am I?


Each team has to guess as many words as possible in a limited time, looking at a photo with subtitles of the subject to be mimed. Hurry, hurry, hurry, you need as many words as


Outdoor game ideas

Want to enjoy the outdoors while having a great time with your friends? Outdoor games are perfect for having fun and enjoying nature with your loved ones!

Get carried away by the excitement of outdoor games that combine fun and competitiveness. Challenge each other in a balloon-popping race or show your precision in a sack race!

Whether you’re in a park, at the beach, or even in your backyard, outdoor games offer an endless variety of options for group fun.

So, pick your favorite games and dive into outdoor activities with your friends!

The balloon popping race

A team race where each member rushes to the designated chair and pops their balloon as quickly as possible. One key skill will be essential: knowing how to stomp effectively.

Pass the water game

Pass the Water is a team game. Buckets of water are passed from teammate to teammate—what will be left at the end? Will you do better than your opponents?

Sack race

A starting line, several people ready to go with their feet in a sack, they will need to jump fast and far… 3… 2… 1… go!

New games are coming soon to FuPaGa : Dodgeball, Baseball.

Everyone at home

Everyone at home

Looking for activity ideas to share with your friends, even from a distance? Virtual games are an excellent way to have fun and stay connected, no matter where you are!

The advantage of virtual gatherings is that everyone can participate from their own home, while the excitement and fun remain the same!

So, invite your friends to join you for a virtual game night. Whether you choose strategy or cooperative games, the possibilities are endless. Get ready for laughter, suspenseful moments, and surprises, even from afar.

Here is our selection of online games to enjoy with friends!


Gartic phone

Gartic Phone is an online game similar to the telephone game, but on screen and through drawing. The hilarious drawings that result are a source of great laughter.

Online werewolf (Wolfy)

Wolfy is the online game that provides a solution for mixing local players with those who are remote, available on your phone.

Chronophoto: a temporal quiz

Chronophoto is a game that challenges you to find the date of old photos. A collaborative game that always takes place in good spirits.

New games are coming soon to FuPaGa : Impostor, Limite Limite,

A good icebreaker : a game to break the ice

Icebreaking game

A game serving as an “icebreaker” literally aims to break the ice. When you organize a birthday party, you invite those you love, but they may not all know each other. When you host a get-together with friends, it can happen that your friends don’t all know each other yet. The goal is to start activities that will speed up the getting-to-know-you process, giving them a good reason to talk, laugh together, and bond.

The icebreaker is also very practical for warming up the atmosphere. It kickstarts the festivities, ensuring everyone is in the same upbeat mood.

Lingo game

A game derived from the TV show Lingo. A whiteboard or a slate, 3 markers of different colors, 6 attempts to find the right word !

The marshmallow spaghetti challenge

Several teams each build the tallest possible structure within a limited time… using marshmallows and spaghetti. Your ability to work as a team will be crucial.

The werewolves of Millers Hollow

The Werewolf game will push you to uncover the bloodthirsty killers among the villagers of Thiercelieux. Find them quickly before they kill all the villagers.

The balloon popping race

A team race where each member rushes to the designated chair and pops their balloon as quickly as possible. One key skill will be essential: knowing how to stomp effectively.

Musical chairs

The classic at wedding parties, grab a few chairs, some people ready to compete, start the music, we turn, we turn, STOP! Where’s my chair?!?

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