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guess my word
Game in 2 teams, guess

Lingo game

A game derived from the TV show Lingo. A whiteboard or a slate, 3 markers of different colors, 6 attempts to find the right word!

Game description

This game is a team game, with 2 teams to be precise. It draws its inspiration from the TV show “Lingo,” and we’ll share a video from the official channel below. Each team takes turns guessing the 7-letter word chosen by the opposing team (variations can be made with 5, 6, or 8 letters).

Necessary accessories

- A whiteboard or a slate
- 3 markers of different colors

End of the game

You can decide at the beginning of the game how many rounds you will play. Once that moment arrives, tally up the points. The team with the most points wins.

Un gage pour les perdants ?

Examples of penalties:

  • The losers will have to pose together in a photo making a funny face or imitating an object, a creature, or a situation.
  • The winners could pose together with a victorious look.


  1. To start, on a slate or board, 6 black dashes are placed one after the other to represent the letters of the word to be guessed (at the top of the board). 5 more identical lines will be placed below. The meaning of the colors is reminded at the bottom of the board.
  2. A player from the team that chose the word will manage the board and transcribe the results of the chosen word. Let’s call them the board manager. The board will be visible to everyone throughout the game.
  3. The team searching for the word proposes their first word. Note, the word to be found and the proposed words must exist in the French language. The words can be in plural, feminine, or conjugated forms. However, it is best to avoid constantly looking up words in the dictionary to keep the game’s rhythm.
  4. The board manager writes the letters on the first line, ensuring to use the correct color marker for each letter.
  5. If the word is guessed on the first line, the searching team scores 6 points, and they lose one point for each subsequent attempt. No points are scored if the word is not found.
Whiteboard markers

Example from the TV show Lingo


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Click here to view the French version of this game.