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Everything about the game of musical chairs
You’ll have to fight for your seat !

Musical chairs

A wedding party classic ! Grab some chairs, pick a few eager participants, start the music, and circle around. Stop! Where’s my chair?!?


Game description

Musical Chairs is a great game to use at events where you have space, a festive atmosphere, music, and at least a dozen participants.

The goal of the game is simple: when the music plays, all the players circle around the chairs, but one chair has been sneakily removed. When the music stops, everyone scrambles to sit down… except for one unlucky person, who is left standing and eliminated 🙂

Necessary accessories

- Sound system, a Bluetooth speaker, any equipment that can play music.
- As many chairs as there are participants

End of the game

Only one will emerge victorious, earning applause and bragging rights for their quick moves and sharp reflexes !


  1. Chairs are arranged in a circle (or oval) so that players can walk around them and sit down at any moment. There should be as many chairs as there are players.
  2. All the players sit on a chair.
  3. Music plays and players walk around the chairs clockwise.
  4. A person outside the game removes one chair.
  5. When the music stops, all the players rush to sit on a chair.
  6. The player left standing without a chair is eliminated.
  7. The music resumes and the game continues until there is only one player left.
Musical chairs game

SLAMSON birthday party - Slamson and friends play a game of Musical Chairs


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Click here to view the French version of this game.