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pass the water
Sunny days call for splashing fun..

Pass the water game

Pass the Water is a team-game where teams take turns proving they can get wet (or not) to win 🙂

Game description: pass the water

In this game, different teams compete against each other.

They must transfer water while blindfolded, trying to lose as little as possible. The winning team is the one that loses the least amount of water !

Necessary accessories

- Basins or buckets of water (at least 2). The volume should be significant enough to have a chance of preserving water by the end of the game.
- Chairs that you don’t mind getting wet.
- Blindfolds, scarves or masks to cover the eyes.
- Either your participants have a change of clothes, it’s warm enough for them to dry off in the sun, or you ask everyone to come with swimsuits.

End of the game

Once all teams have taken their turns, measure the amount of water left at the end of each round. If there’s a tie, you can hold an additional round to determine the winner !

A dare for the losers?

Examples of dares: The losing team must get their photo taken while being splashed one last time with a bucket of cold water.


  1. Create 2 or more teams of about 5 people each (all teams should have the same number of players).
  2. Arrange the chairs in a straight line, one behind the other.
  3. Have the team whose turn it is sit on the chairs.
  4. Each member has a bucket or basin (larger ones for the first participants). If you don’t have enough for everyone, you can pass the basin or bucket from a player who has finished to the next player. Plan for one or two larger sizes at the beginning (10L is good), then something smaller. The idea is that the players shouldn’t end up completely dry :). There should also be some water left at the end of the chain, if possible…
  5. Fill the first bucket with water up to a level you will remember for the next participants’ turn.
  6. Blindfold the participants with a scarf or a protective mask like those used during COVID.
  7. Ready, set, go! Participants pass the container over their heads, tipping it back to transfer water to the teammate behind them, who must catch as much as possible.

No need to use a timer; it’s the quantity that counts. Have fun making videos, it’s bound to be entertaining :).

@whistle Not grandma at the end 😭 (gettishow/IG) #waterchachallenge #watergame #bucket ♬ original sound - Whistle

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Click here to view the French version of this game.