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The Imaginary Invalid
Complicity, analysis, 0 accessories!

Psychiatrist (or the Hypochondriac)

A deduction game where all participants, except one, are patients (in their minds). We’re talking about imaginary illnesses, rest assured. The player who takes on the role of the psychiatrist must propose a diagnosis and identify the illness affecting the other players. Phew… they are saved!

Game description

First, choose a player to take on the role of the psychiatrist.

  1. Have them leave the room for 2 minutes.
  2. During this time, the other participants come up with a (funny) imaginary illness. When the psychiatrist returns, they must ask questions to the others to determine what their illness is.
The choice of illnesses:
  • Example 1: The participants decide they are all in love with the psychiatrist. Subtlety is key here, and the symptoms of such an illness promise to be varied.
  • Example 2: The participants are all superheroes. By day, they live normal lives. By night, they fight villains.

Other illness ideas ?

- Boys think they are girls, girls think they are boys.
- Participants believe they are blind.
- It is impossible to answer a question before counting to five in their head.
- The participants are convinced that the psychiatrist has made a bad-smelling fart, but they can't say it directly.

- The participants think they are another player, each one chooses who they want to be.
- Participants think they are the psychiatrist.
- The players think the psychiatrist is a police officer, and they are criminals.
- Each answer must contain the name of an animal.

- A group bipolar, participants take turns being in a good mood and then in a bad mood, alternating each time.
- At the end of each answer, the participant touches their nose.
- Before answering, the participant looks at the psychiatrist's feet.
- The participants must include the name of the participant to their left in their answer.

- Each participant thinks they are the psychiatrist.
- Each participant thinks they are the person to their right.
- Each person must start their answer with yes or no, only then can they really answer the question.

The psychiatrist game


More examples for the psychiatrist game

  • All the players think they are animals.
  • Each player behaves and speaks as if they were the player to their right.
  • Each player is convinced there is a creature on the psychiatrist’s shoulder (a spider, a snake, a cockroach…).
  • Each player responds to the psychiatrist as if they were their worst enemy. You hate them, they disgust you.
  • The patients are unable to say any numbers or digits.
  • The patients all have storyteller’s disease: each one tells a short story instead of answering directly.
  • Mild paranoia: each person thinks that inanimate objects are conspiring against them.
  • Everyone is convinced that it’s the end of the world.
  • The patients believe they are in a psychiatric hospital, not in a regular room.
  • The players are unable to speak in the first person. They don’t use “I” or “me,” but rather “we.”
  • Each player behaves like the celebrity they are impersonating.
  • The patients particularly enjoy rhyming and cannot help but do so.
  • The patients are embarrassed, convinced that the psychiatrist is naked in front of them, even if he doesn’t seem to realize it.
  • The players have mimicking syndrome, they imitate and reproduce others’ gestures.
  • Theater obsession: the patients respond in an overly dramatic manner.
  • The patients mention the name of a country in every response.
  • Everyone believes they are stuck in the middle of the desert, in an oasis, but still in the desert.
  • The patients are all serial killers, real psychopaths.

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Click here to view the French version of this game.