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team building with sack race
A bit of sport and competition !

Sack race

A starting line, several people ready to go with their feet in a sack. They need to jump fast and far… Ready? 3… 2… 1… go!


Game description

Sack race

This fun game is perfect for a sunny day outdoors on the grass. Set up a starting line and a finish line. Players will put their feet in a potato sack, hold the top of the sack with both hands, and hop like a kangaroo to cross the finish line. Both hands must hold the sack at all times, adding to the challenge and fun!

Different possible approaches:

  • Individual Race: Everyone competes on their own, and the first to arrive wins. You can have several rounds and create a podium for the winners at the end.
  • Team Relay: Form teams (which requires a certain number of players). Each person must make a round trip, then pass their sack to the next player on their team, and so on until the last player. Again, a winners’ podium can be set up to highlight as many players as possible.

Necessary accessories

- Something to mark the starting or finish lines. This can be cones, but 2 pieces of clothing or objects can easily delimit a starting or finish line.
- As many potato sacks as there are teams.

End of the game

All team members have crossed the finish line.

Illustred example


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Click here to view the French version of this game.