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Watch your step game
Team game, collaborating blindly

Watch your step

A team game session where 2 teammates will have to trust each other blindly… With “Watch Your Step,” you can easily organize a game that brings fun and good spirits.

Game description

You will form teams of 2 people, and each team will take turns. In each round, one teammate is blindfolded and guided by their partner. It’s a race against the clock, tick-tock, tick-tock…

Necessary accessories:

- A few hundred paper cups
- Eye masks
- A stopwatch

End of the game

The game ends when each teammate has completed their course.

The winning team is the one with the shortest cumulative time, making them the fastest team!

Spice Up the Game

Place an egg at the finish line for the last player to add a fun twist at the end 🙂

Illustration of Watch Your Step

  1. Form pairs.
  2. Choose the order in which the teams will take their turns.
  3. Set up a course scattered with cups over 4 to 5 meters. Make sure to leave enough space for feet to step between the cups. Be reasonable with the spacing.
  4. One player from each team will complete the first round, and then you can take a short break to evaluate the race. Only after this can the second member of each team take their turn.
  5. Each round is timed. One player in the pair is blindfolded and will walk barefoot through the course, guided by their teammate. The goal is to avoid touching, moving, or crushing any cups. If this happens, they must start over.
  6. At the end of the course, there is an isolated cup that must be crushed to stop the timer. This step can be replaced with crossing a finish line.

You can set a maximum time limit of 5 minutes to complete the course to add excitement to your “Watch Your Step” game.

Tiktok cup challenge

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Click here to view the French version of this game.